Preparations for the post-holiday season

Start date: 23/06/2024
End date: 01/10/2024
Time: 13:00 - 00:00

The summer holiday season is already here and some of us have already been unleashed to enjoy the Finnish summer and recharge the batteries for the second half of the year 2024. Pharmatory will not close completely even during the summer so no worries, the projects are being worked on over the holiday period as well.

Some event participations have already been scheduled for the fall, currently planned are:

CPhI Worldwide, Milano Italy, 08.-10.10.2024
BioEurope 2024, Stockholm Sweden, 04.-06.11.2024
BioFIT 2024, Lille France, 03.-04.12.2024

More to come along the way. Should any of these be on your agenda as well, please don't hesitate to contact us and book a face-to-face meeting! Have an enjoyable summer season and we look forward to seeing you all with renewed energy and fresh smiles!

Visiting ACHEMA and customers in France

Start date: 24/06/2024
End date: 02/10/2024
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Pharmatory team will be visiting the ACHEMA trade show in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 10th and customers in France after that. We would be happy to discuss and fix meetings along that path during the week, please contact us for details. We look forward to seeing You there!

Korea in May

Start date: 02/05/2024
End date: 23/06/2024
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Pharmatory team is currently arranging the next trip to Seoul, Korea, on May 20.-24. 2024 in collaboration with our long-term close collaboration partner ALS Pharma to catch up with the existing customers and meet with new potential ones.

Please contact ALS Pharma or us directly to secure a meeting at the time. We look forward to seeing you all again soon!

BioEurope 2O23

Start date: 03/11/2023
End date: 03/12/2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Our collaboration partner Oncobone will participate Bio-Europe 2023 event on the 6-8 November 2023.

They are representing Pharmatory, please contact them directly to book a meeting.

Bio-Europe is the Europe´s flagship partnering event, this year held in Munich, Germany.

BIO-Europe is expecting over 5 500 attendees, representing 60 countries and over 2000 companies, making the event the industry's largest pharma partnering event in Europe.

CPhI 2O23 in Barcelona, Spain, October 24th-26th, 2O23

Start date: 26/06/2023
End date: 26/10/2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Pharmatory representatives will be attending the CPhI Worldwide in Barcelona, Spain, on 24th-26th October 2O23. We look forward to seeing you there, please contact us to ensure a face-to-face meeting to discuss potential business opportunities and what we could do together to make your business even more successful.

62nd AFI Symposium

Start date: 16/02/2023
End date: 16/06/2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Pharmatory will be exhibiting in the 62nd AFI Symposium held in Rimini, Italy, on June 7th-9th. Our booth number is #22. We look forward to meeting you there!

Pharmatory visit to Seoul

Start date: 22/12/2022
End date: 17/02/2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

With the COVID-19 finally releasing its grip on business travelling a bit, we took the opportunity to visit our long-time business partner A&LS Pharma in Seoul. Thank you very much for taking care of us last week and arranging all the nice and productive meetings with our existing and future customers in South Korea!

CPhI 2O22 in Frankfurt

Start date: 17/11/2022
End date: 17/01/2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

We attended the CPhI 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany, after skipping the live event for two years. It was really nice to meet existing and new contacts again after a long while. We would like to thank everyone once again and look forward to seeing you soon again!

CPhI 2O22 in Frankfurt

Start date: 01/11/2022
End date: 03/11/2022
All-day event

After a 2-year 'lock down' Pharmatory will again be attending the CPhI Worldwide Tradeshow, which this time will be held on November 1st-3rd 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany. Please contact us to book a meeting, we look forward to meeting old and new contacts again after a while.

See You in Frankfurt!

BOS 2O22

Start date: 14/01/2022
End date: 30/06/2022
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

We are going to attend the Biotech Outsourcing Strategies Basel 2022 on June 8th-9th. Please contact us for a face-to-face meeting, we look forward to lively discussions after a long while!

Biotech Outsourcing Strategies Event brings together stakeholders in R&D outsourcing to share experience, build existing outsourcing partnerships and forge new buyer/supplier business relationships. The established BOS Formula is built on 4 key pillars; Exhibition showcasing international CROs and CMOs; High Quality Content; 1-to-1 Partnering and Informal Networking.